City of Clay This film created by Flore Vallery-Radot documents Natalie's practice as an artist in her Sydney studio. These captured moments provide a glimpse in to the process of hand forming a ceramic sculpture. Flore is Sydney based photographer and filmmaker originally from France. Her films are inspired and always drawn to the human hand. "The same pair of hands can make and create so many fascinating things: pots, jewels, paintings, sculptures, hats, clothes, food... Years of practice have shaped the skills which bring these objects to life but also millennia of human knowledge." Flore is "drawn to the movement of these hands and feels compelled to tell their enchanting stories through film." Visit Flore's website here to be inspired. Music by Franz Liszt “Aus der Ungarischen Krönungsmesse, S. 381 interpreted by Mauro Tortorelli - Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) Film by Flore Vallery-Radot (2019) |